Chaos Astrology

Astrological Compatibility Reports

Create Unlimited Astrology Reports

Compatibility Reports compare birth charts, and look into areas of compatibility between you and another to reveal the relationship dynamics, including potential problem areas and opportunities for transformation. Gain useful insights into your love life and relationships, both romantic interests and friends. Discover where the two of you are most compatible, as well as what makes the other tick.

  • Create Compatibility reports and Synastry charts from your point of view and your partner's perspective.
  • Choice of tropical (Western) or sidereal (Vedic) zodiac, and six popular house systems.
  • Save and edit your profiles for use throughout the year.
  • Create as many reports and charts as you like.
  • Make great gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, and just because.
  • Membership renewal is completely under your control.

Only $12 for a whole year:

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'Astrology's roots lie in an ancient world view which perceived the universe as a single living organism, animated by divine order and intelligence.' ~ Liz Greene